Select Your Member Type |
Full or Basic: People who derive income from the gathering, editing or presentation of news or editorial content for broadcast, online or print.
Associate: People who are former full or part-time journalists or who hold media-related jobs such as public relations, public or corporate information, directors of media organizations or are journalism educators.
LGBTQ Media: People who derive income from the gathering, editing or presentation of news or editorial content for broadcast, online or print in LGBTQ Media.
International: People living outside of the U.S. Includes the right to vote, but excludes the right to run for office.
Retiree: People who no longer work full time but who when working qualified for basic membership.
Student & Early Career: People engaged/enrolled in high
school, college or an educational institution of higher learning planning to
pursue a career in journalism. People entering the field of journalism, out of
school, but under the age of 25.
Allies: People who are supporters of NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists' mission but are NOT former journalists; part-time journalists; holding media-related jobs; nor qualified to be a member in any other category.